Emma Moreno-Perry is an Arizona based artist specializing in storytelling through visual mediums as well as worldbuilding and culture.
“There isn’t anyone you couldn’t learn to love when you’ve heard their story”
The Endless Street
~Travelling the Endless Street~
~Travelling the Endless Street~
The Endless Street is a project that began in 2017, originally inspired by a walk I took with my family in Karuizawa, Nagano. Hungry and worn out from a seemingly endless hike, I was struck with the idea of a street that just kept going, no dead end, no turns. Over the years, the Street has taken many shapes. It was, at one time, a space between life and death with a vast stretch of dangerous forest on either side and a river of lost items. Now, it is more metaphorical. It is a place you could get lost in forever, not just as a character, but as a writer and reader. At the intersection of six unique worlds, it is a melting pot where disparate ideas all come together to weave a cultural tapestry.
The Worlds are our key to discovering the richness of the Endless Street and its peoples.
The first of these world’s is ours: our Earth, but what about the others?

“Lacuna, Lacuna, idir ba? Hashanna!”
Land of fantasy, kingdoms, creatures, and war; Indola is home of the nymphs and their race of man counterparts: the Indolans. Giants lurk in the shadows of mountains, the sea teems with underwater dwellings. Indolans expand their empires and trade
flourishes. Magic is a thing of legend, but the creatures of nature know better. While Indolans fear it, they cultivate their powers and live in communion with the natural and supernatural.
Daihain- Kingdom of Warlords
Kanaam- Largest Trading Empire
Vinut- Northern dwelling Kingdom hidden to the world
Gihan- Kingdom of Artisans
Aginaf- The Half-Men of Nynpuna
Ninba- the Nymphs of Nynpuna
Land of the Anjotsen, a race of mighty people more robust than humans, their race-of-man counterparts. Anjotsen men are difficult to distinguish from humans. They’re average height is that of tall humans. The women, however, are much larger, standing a couple heads taller than the men and full of vitality. The Anjotsen men and women stand in contention in their homeland. In the aftermath of a bloody history, women put men at their feet, keeping them subjugated lest they rise up again and attempt to overthrow their order.
“She is the usurper, the great commander, dweller of dark seas, the charioteer of the dead, siren queen, she who saw the creation, blood-bather, foster mother of the earth.”
The Gtika are the last remaining culture of their world, residing within one city in the heart of a barren desert. They are, on the surface, an egalitarian Utopia. Surrounded by harsh desert, not many venture outside of the city walls. But on occasion, the magic of this world selects an individual to endow sight beyond their dimensional boundaries. This person embarks on a quest that sends them into the wilderness where they will learn the meaning of their vision or succumb to nature.
“Euelaia na Utala Ja Nakima, the name cut through the desert winds and the flapping of white banners... It was a commanding name, a name of power, recognized as the first line of their creed”
Euelaia na utala ja nakima
Euelaia na odalaia bitan
Pagan bit kibagan ja fugani da nakima
Bit utalanta jui Gtika
Wat gona da Gtika
Bit kwenanta bitan migana
Pagan wont na najuan
Nit wont na jinuan
Bit na walfam da Gtika
Pagan bit zahui bitan jina
Guchuka modono
Na utdzo bit wachbu gukba
Gwan jindani da mitu
Nit zlama da kwamil nakima
Pagan kwamil gifati
Nit pagan kizazi da Gtika
Forever is the reign of knowledge
Forever is its power our own
Until we lose sight of the collection of knowledge
We shall reign over the earth
To the ends of the earth
We shall spread our arms
Till all is known
And all is named
We are the rulers of the earth
Until we forget our names
To take up the mantle
Is a burden we must bear
For the betterment of the species
And the safety of all knowledge
Until each death
And until the destruction
Aos was not so dissimilar from the other worlds once. But centuries of technological advancements and war pushed their dominant species to their breaking point. They destroyed each other and left a damaged world in their place. Though they didn’t survive the destruction, some of their pets did. These pets, having been genetically tampered with, developed strong social bonds that pushed them to great heights. In the current age, they are in the “Hunter-Gatherer” stage of their cultural evolution. It isn’t much longer before they follow in their master’s footsteps.

The Endless Street
The intersection of six dimensions. It is the most diverse, most magical of all the Earths.
The Accusers
Superior law enforcers and harbingers of justice
Bobo, Accuser of Gutha, Yael of free nymphs. She earned her title as Accuser and Mother Nymph when she slew the tyrannical Yael Raez. She works tirelessly to make Gutha a place of refuge. Nymphs, who are often faced with great injustices, are free to live as they desire here. Accuser Bobo is a champion of uncontestable rights for all.
Though not a true Yael, Accuser of La’ai’isan Artemisia is the self proclaimed “Yael of the West”. She freed herself from the Azeric Travelling Circus that had stolen her away as a child. Now, she fights to create an exclusive city for nymphs, one that can take a place in the world stage. She wants nymphs to be respected and prosperous. Though she has made great strides in her circles, the non-nymph peoples of La’ai’isan consider her a tyrant.
The daughter of the Dux Magnus, Yuuga Vol Hezi was raised to someday become the Accuser. When the previous died of old age, she took up the gilded braid at the age of 19. She is often on the sea, traveling between the Kaldunan colonies, more of a celebrity than a traditional Accuser. She has a wide following in the Warm Seas Colonies and often organizes public events, charity auctions, and parties around the world.
Accuser Ishki has been criticized for not being very active in his office. When seen, he is often accompanied by Kaldunan Accuser Yugga Vol Hezi as they attend to Kaldunan business. Many in Yamiradan, especially of the older generations, believe that he does not do his duty in maintaining peace and order in their domain, believing him to be a puppet of the Kaldunan government and the Southern Trade Federation. Him coming into office after the murder of their previous Accuser, Alba Maverick, ushered in a wave of distrust in the Yamiradani government by its people and tensions between Yamiradan and Kalduna have grown, especially on the border.
Meridian’s philosophy emphasizes diplomacy over violence and he does make more of an effort to enforce the law and make his influence reach, but he is often seen with the likes of Yugga Vol Hezi and Ishki Talwin, the celebrity Accusers of Kalduna and Yamiradan respectively. Meridian is known by the common people for his friendliness, tendency to sneak around the common people, and for throwing parties for all to attend. He is an excellent public speaker and dedicated diplomat, though many criticize him for acting more like a Dux Magnus than an Accuser.