My name is Julia Schäfer. If that sounds familiar, you've probably picked up my book Peoples of the Endless Street, Travels with the N'ra, or any other of my works. I am an author with Pathways Publishing ltd. and specialize in the analysis of the various cultures of the six realms. I grew up in a little village in northern Tabka'ali and, as you can probably tell, am of mixed Anjótsen/Human heritage. Growing up, I tended to run off to neighboring villages to meet the different creatures and peoples that lived in my area, and when I turned 15, I moved by myself to the capital city of Isikarr to get closer to some of the vibrant culture that clusters in metropolitan areas. Due to my size, it was easy for me to find work and the first year I lived in Isikarr saw me working in construction, metalwork, and as junior assistant to the Consulate Guard. Eventually, I was picked up by the Intercontinental Defense Leauge and served on the force for 11 years before I decided to dedicate my life to the study of language, culture, and people. In the past 8 years, I have written around 150 works including multiple textbooks and research papers for colleges throughout the 6th Realm, and am an honorary professor of polyanthropology, cultural studies, and Endalan history in over 50 colleges. Though I cannot disclose my location for reasons of privacy, I now live in an apartment with a view of the sea, my only companion being my cat, Yogan.